The video essay Breathing Gaia is a Dialogue between a traumatized
Body, Persephone and Gaia. They are searching
for their individual voice and language. This relation
transforms the body into a co-existence with other
organisms. The breath and somatic practice are used
as a vehicle to connect the physiology of Gaia and the
performer's body. They try to regulate themselves and
in resonance with their Bodies. The inscriptions of
trauma in the body are trying to transform through
the shaking cells. In the breath as a connection of
solidarity between Gaia and the performer's body, patriarchal
structures and pain want to transform. This
network of relationship is asking for a caring and sensitive
future were we act in the knowing of our connectedness
through our breath. What new meaning
can this common breath evolve? How can we speak
through our vulvas again? How can we reclaim this
sacred place as queen, kin and country.
Video Essay, Deutschland/Schweiz 2023, 7:28 min.
Anja Plonka: Konzept, Performance, 2. Kamera, Schnitt
Marko Stefanovic: Kamera, Beratung Pflanzen und Vegetation
Rasmus Nordholt-Frieling: Sound Design
Journal of Embodied Research: Issue 5.2, Ecologies of Embodiment: Video Essays I